

The multilanguage game (English, German, Russian) has 13 levels where player has to destroy a planet with some kind of life form on it by different meteorites. The main enemy is gravity force of other planets and somewhere stars and asteroids. For each level player gets scores which depend on number of using meteorites, time, destroying of non-life planets and other structures.

In the end of the game all scores summed and it is possible to save result to server and compare the best results (ever and month best results). Each level has specific life form which becomes more and more complicated and clever during the game.




The game tests mental calculation. Just answer correctly on the examples written on the bricks and get points! But remember: the more points scored the harder to continue to play.

As the complexity increases the number of operations growns and numbers gets bigger:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division

If you want you can save results to our server and try to get in the Top-10 of the world. Try it now!

P. S. This game is free and may have bad translation in some places. Please, offer better one if you know. Thanks!


Design released by FarStyle via the studio of Site Creative | Main site. ©2015 Stibanza.